You get to a certain age and suddenly a headline like New Fossilized Phallus grabs your attention. Nothing personal, but a fossilized phallus can only be exciting for the anthropologist or archeologist that finds it and, of course, the male whose member is eternal. I’ve known more than a few men preoccupied with their phallus. There is the Weiner wiener escapade though he’s not the only politician to text unsolicited privates pics to women. There are too many joined by athletes, writers, moviemakers and, plumbers, painters, waiters… They are not distinguished by their livelihood, but by their unique member. I’ll bet you wonder what kind of fossilized phallus was important enough to warrant a snippet in the New York Times? It’s an assassin bug. The lucky bugger, according to the news, was roughly the length of an aspirin. The bug would have been easy to squish, according to the scientist quoted so it’s a miracle that the member survived. It did so without a pic.