I spend a fair amount of time outside. I am not “gardening” or “puttering” I am moving rocks or mulch or fill dirt around our three-acre yard. I also pick up dog poo from his 90-lb rescue labradoodle. Last weekend it was digging out confederate Jasmine to liberate some rocks that it had grown over. That’s some hard work. I can manage about four feet of liberation in a 2-hour stretch. Still, I take time to notice who is living in the native Florida landscape. Lizards and turtles and snakes. Bumble bees and the garden variety bees. Birds. A few days ago, a hawk flew by with fresh catch in his claws. And, lizards. I see a lot of lizards. I’ve watched them run from predators, mate, and the other day, I found this lizard at lunch. A study released last week says that spending time in nature will help stave off dementia. Maybe paying attention will boost the gain?