At least two days a week I hit the road for a 3+ mile walk. These days I’m on the actual road, not a trail. On those walks I’ve seen and found some remarkable stuff. And some gross stuff. And some weird stuff like that time someone had put a mirror out for waste pick up and two sandhill cranes too exception to their reflection. Noisy and hilarious. Or that one house on that one route that always smells like weed and has for years. There are various gross sightings, as well, including used medical stuff and used, um, intimate materials (details would be TMI). A few months back I found a pizza delivery guy. This week I found a giraffe. Who loses a giraffe? Sometimes there are moms pushing strollers so that may be the source, but you’d think someone would miss their pizza guy or giraffe? I suspect that if a stuff toy made a break for it, mom would notice, but the pizza guy bolts and the giraffe just lumbers off, it must not be that big a deal. I think about stuff I’ve left behind, lost or has been appropriated. Some of it valuable, some not. Generally I think, it was material, but was it material to my life? Generally, it was not.