Have you read the book Remarkably Bright Creatures? The narrator is an Octopus. Not normally the kind of book you’d find on my reading list, but it just goes to show you that a well-told story keeps you going. And octopuses are amazing. I just loved the book The Soul of the Octopus. Wonderful nonfiction. And sticking with my baseline of “you can’t make this stuff up,” scientists wonder if octopuses have nightmares. The thing is, the creatures are bright and have personalities and learn and teach, too. They get attached to their caretakers and even play by hiding stuff and camouflaging and more. So, an animal that bright, why wouldn’t they dream and beyond that have nightmares? This study isn’t peer-reviewed yet, but it’s fascinating. And, no. I don’t eat calamari.
#octopus #calamari #intelligence #dreams #nightmares