Author: honeyrand
Rainwater is Unsafe
Last summer Drew Barrymore had a viral post of her dancing in the rain, mouth upraised, swallowing the blessing from about. Just one thing. Rainwater is now unsafe to drink because it has “forever chemicals” in it. Maybe she should put a disclaimer on it? I just read about the…
Books = Social Media? NOT
A dissociated state when using social media Researchers at the University of Washington are beginning to think that social media offers the same kind of “dissociative state” as a good book. “Really?” Said no reader ever. If so, why does a good book engross and involve the reader while doom-scrolling…
Great Ideas in the shower
Where do you get your good ideas? This happened to me just last week. I was standing there thinking about a client project, a complicated project about water. Yes, that’s a little redundant, thinking about water while standing in it, then again, a lot of my work is about water,…
Two Governors, one republican, one democrat, demonstrate civil discourse
It’s really sad that we can’t, don’t talk to one another anymore. In my house, my career military officer husband was a lifelong Republican. I am 15 years younger and I was, well, not. Clinton was President during our early years. The Bush (whom I referred to as Shrub) then…
Even if it’s not a bitter pill
Eventually, we all must learn how to take pills. We’re not dogs, so they can’t (always?) be wrapped in cheese. They probably shouldn’t be shoved to the back of a kid’s throat, either. I don’t remember exactly how, but I remember being very young when my dad taught me how…
Super worms for the garbage crisis
There is a worm that eats Styrofoam. Yes. Yes, there is. Scientists and biologists specifically studying what bacteria and organisms can consume things like styrofoam and water bottles which occupy a considerable space in landfills. More than 14 million tons of styrofoam and plastics end up in water. Here’s what’s…
Don’t we all look good in green?
Apparently dying is an issue. Well, it’s probably always an issue of some kind, whether it’s your death or that of a loved one, friend, or colleague. For years I have given thought to ways I do not want to go. Drowning Fire Dementia Recently, I’ve added COVID to the…
A Good Turn. A Bad Turn.
Like most of what I write about, life. #lawenforcement #deputies #Deputy
Peecyclers? Count me in!
Meet the Peecyclers. Their Idea to Help Farmers Is No. 1. When I first saw this story, I was tickled. I love peeing outside. At concerts, on long trips, at night when I take the dog for bedtime pee. It has variously annoyed or embarrassed boyfriends over the years. All…
The highest and best use for recycled water!
The highest and best use for recycled water! Beer made from recycled toilet water Well, these guys are late to the party. The Florida Water Reuse Association along with Hillsborough County had a competitive brewing competition in which each registrant received five gallons of treated wastewater to use. No one…