Author: honeyrand
Global warming allows iguana hordes to conquer South Florida
If you have never been to Fort Lauderdale or Miami, or haven’t been there recently, it’s not just the growth you’ll notice or the diversity. You’ll notice the lizards, the big ubiquitous lizards. They are on the streets, in the trees (though as we’ve learned over the last week, they…
Toilet to Tap. Safe. Cost-effective.
Opponents of recycling wastewater into drinking water call it toilet to tap to make it gross and unacceptable to the public. Years ago, I recommended that the national Reuse Association take the term and make it their own. “Use it,” I said, “take the power of the words away by…
Joyce Maynard The Best of Us
Thursday, when I told a friend that I was reading Joyce Maynard’s book, The Best of Us, she asked what it was about. I told her that it was about her husband’s diagnosis and death from pancreatic cancer. “Stop that,” she told me. “Don’t do that depressing stuff.” “it’s not…
Making a Scene at the Doctor’s Office
A friend told me this story years ago. It’s absolutely true, though the names are changed. published it in June.
Those growing up in the digital age are being rewired to see the world a whole lot differently. Researchers in Hungary say children who start using digital devices at a young age pay more attention to tiny details and less to the whole picture. The result, some fear, will be…
Convincing Covidiots
This researcher wanted to better understand the ways to gain compliance for people to stay at home, wear a mask, and social distance. He used Moral Foundations Theory, which states that people judge the “rightness” or “wrongness” of behaviors along with five different moral concerns or “foundations.” The first is…
Water for sale or rent, you can be sure it’s more than 50 cents…
Like almost everything these days, it’s complicated. Trust me when I tell you that perfectly rational people lose their minds when you tell them water is going to be changed in some way; a reallocation, a reduction in permitted quantities, redirection of water from “where it is” to “where it’s…
Being Yourself
Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about courage. Mostly political courage. I think that courage is the externalization of character. Yeah, character is also about doing the right thing even when no one is looking, but it seems to me that doing the right thing when everyone is looking, but…
Cities without water in the US?
We talk about “grocery deserts” where residents have to drive 25 miles just to get to a grocery store. It’s a public policy problem, especially in small, rural communities. The same is true of medical care. But poverty isn’t a rural issue. It’s an urban one. A recent study showed…