Category: Uncategorized

  • Kindness, Civility and Self

    Kindness, Civility and Self

    Robert Levine died two weeks ago. You probably never heard of him. He was a social psychologist. I tore his obit out of the New York Times because I thought his work might be of interest to you. Today, the day after the U.S. House of Representatives condemned a U.S.…

  • It’s all in the flexibility

    Last month, right after I committed to pay in advance for a year of unlimited yoga classes, the owner announced the studio was moving. Of course. The good news is that for a year I’d been saying what the studio really needed was a beer machine. The new location has…

  • Deep Creek – Pam Houston Puts Her Heart on the Page

    Disclaimer: I. Love. Pam. Houston. Not in a bi-curious kind of way, but because I think we were separated at birth! I heard her read Chapter 3 of this book at a writing conference. I got Deep Creek but didn’t read it. THEN I read a bad review in the…

  • It’s Just TV

    In an episode of For the People —a TV show—a man came to court, at the request of the prosecution to testify in case. As he was leaving, his son sitting in the hallway, he was arrested by ICE. His son, found by the Clerk of the District Court of…

  • I’m Ready to Get Started!

    Join me.