Category: Uncategorized

  • Untitled post 580

    This delightful little story highlights human connection in ways we seem to have largely misplaced. Yes, there are those wonderful neighborhood “libraries” constructed or from repurposed newspaper vending machines and a few other notable efforts. It’s a strong counterpoint and maybe antidote to the guy with the AR15 in Texas…

  • The Future of Wild Sex

    The Future of Wild Sex

    So, wild sex. At a certain age, not so much. Then again, the idea of wild sex at any age seems a good one. But the definition of wild sex changes as the years pass. Maybe. I think the lesson from this article is that authenticity leads to better pairing…

  • Scientists found a snake that cartwheels away from threats

    Scientists found a snake that cartwheels away from threats

    Scientists have found that the dwarf reed snake cartwheels away from danger. It just rolls up and rolls on. THAT is a fabulous evolutionary development. Don’t know about you, but cartwheels are not in my wheelhouse these days. What would happen if we could sense danger then, not bolt, but…

  • Printing Dessert

    Printing Dessert

    So, engineers are trying to 3-D print food. Specifically, cheesecake. Let me just say, EW. Maybe it tastes OK, but we’re a long way from adjusting our visual acceptance of printed food. Some of the early sci-fi programs had “manufactured” food. Some of it looked like glop, but some looked…

  • Medical Whack-a-Mole

    Medical Whack-a-Mole

    Lots of you know that Jim has been dealing with blood cancer for many years. The average from the onset of symptoms to death is six years. Jim is at 11 years. He’s really tough. Nine clinical trials. Lots of other meds to manage symptoms. Medical whack-a-mole. A byproduct of…

  • Payback is a bitch. But this new technology is something else.

    Payback is a bitch. But this new technology is something else.

    So a Harvard scientist has posited the idea that an alien ship could be hovering in our solar system sending out probes to gather data, just like we’re doing with interstellar interrogation. So the unidentified anomalous phenomena could be extraterrestrial. WELL, YES. Which is worse, unidentified visitors or an earth-based…

  • Tortoise Townhome

    Tortoise Townhome

    Yesterday was a beautiful day for walking. Bright sun, blue sky, slight breeze, temp in mid-60s. Didn’t even need an added long-sleeve t-shirt. My weekday route is about three and a half miles. I pass by a yard with a “Guard Tortoise on Duty” sign. I’ve shared it before. I…

  • Scientists say that spiders dream

    Covid produced some interesting stuff. One German scientist, while on lockdown, noticed that spiders would twitch and move as they slept. This occurred in a regular pattern. She thought they looked like the jerky movements of dogs and cats as they sleep (and frankly, people, too.) Occasionally, the spiders would…

  • $%^*&%#&(^


    Discover Magazine says skip the swear jar. In a June 202o article, Alex Orlando reported that letting a few choice words out during a workout can actually strengthen you. So, pain tolerance. Another study found that people who curse lie less and have a higher degree of integrity. So, trustworthy.…



    For about 3.5 years, I’ve been doing low carbs, jokingly saying I lost 30 lbs without giving up bourbon, beer, or weed (though I did switch to light beer). THIS month I switched to the Mediterranean diet, and it’s going pretty well, though admittedly, for the month I’ve given up…