Since it was posted my friends periodically noted how frightening what they learned in Social Dilemma was. Since I kinda, sorta tangentially make note of relevant news regarding privacy and access I put the program on my to-watch list.
Then, January 6.
January 14, Lawerence O’Donnell The Last Word
January 14, Brian Williams episode is no longer available, but….
As usual, after a lot of exposure I have an epiphany. I needed to change my Facebook feed. All that crap of “copy and paste this and you’ll see stuff….” Blah blah blah…
Here’s what I did a week ago that changed my FB feed.
I “liked” new publications. The National Review, Bulwark, Spectator and others. I followed them. In this way I became “unpredictable” to the algorithms. As a result, messages from friends, old and new, active and not have not changed, but the stuff that shows up paid in my feed has substantially changed.
As an added bonus, I am scanning and reading articles from what I hope will again become the “loyal opposition.” For now, that means the non-whack-job part of the Republicans. Though, we need to keep in mind that 75 percent of Republicans believe the election was stolen. Those people are not insurgents or evil but they are seeing a different America than the rest of us.
One of the people interviewed said that it’s as if we are watching two different movies. Conservatives are watching one movie of America; Progressives are watching another. That seemed a good analogy. We see the same things, but we see them differently. This is a matter of interpretation not of alternative facts.
I don’t know how we reconcile the two halves of our brains, but I know that if we don’t expose ourselves to how others feel, how they think, what they see and how they see it, I know we won’t get back to “united” unless we do.