If you have never been to Fort Lauderdale or Miami, or haven’t been there recently, it’s not just the growth you’ll notice or the diversity. You’ll notice the lizards, the big ubiquitous lizards.
They are on the streets, in the trees (though as we’ve learned over the last week, they don’t stay in the trees occasionally dropping onto passersby.) Once in a while iguanas turn up in a toilet bowl. Last week South Florida residents were warned not to bring the seemingly frozen lizards inside because when they wake up, it won’t be pretty. Imagine that.
The writer discovered that the population boom could be another consequence of climate change.
The climate change threats to South Florida are plentiful. King tides. Saltwater intrusion. Hurricanes. Sea level rise. Pythons. To these and many more we now add iguanas who can damage infrastructure and scare the bejeezus out of someone who just wants to pee or go for a brisk walk in chilly weather.