It’s really sad that we can’t, don’t talk to one another anymore. In my house, my career military officer husband was a lifelong Republican. I am 15 years younger and I was, well, not. Clinton was President during our early years. The Bush (whom I referred to as Shrub) then Obama. During the Obama years we seriously engaged on issues. Like Mary Matalin and James Carville, but I like to think better looking. He’s an early riser so by the time I got up he was was going for it. I finally told him I wasn’t starting EVERY morning with an argument, so he was put on time out until at least my second cup of coffee. The point is, we set some parameters, then we went for it. He didn’t convince me, I didn’t convince him, but we heard each other. Today, we’re on the same page. We have to find a way to talk to each other. We don’t have to agree, but we need a return to civility.
#civility #civildiscourse #Democrat #Republican #polarization