Lots of you know that Jim has been dealing with blood cancer for many years. The average from the onset of symptoms to death is six years. Jim is at 11 years. He’s really tough. Nine clinical trials. Lots of other meds to manage symptoms. Medical whack-a-mole. A byproduct of so many blood infusions is an iron accumulation in the liver. This causes significant damage to the liver and other organs. He could end up off this current clinical trial (the only thing in the foreseeable future) if his liver enzymes are six times the normal level. Moffitt’s docs prescribed a chelation treatment that would let him excrete the excess iron. This drug was chosen because it has fewer side effects. But he took one pill last Tuesday with disastrous results. No more on that drug. They were packaged up for proper disposal. We’ve been really lucky in that side effects over the years have largely been mild. Not this time. Not this drug, even if it means other problems. It’s an up close and personal lesson in choosing the quality of life. Go Jim.
#cancer #medical #chelation #liverdisease #clinicaltrials