Author: honeyrand

  • Water for sale or rent, you can be sure it’s more than 50 cents…

    Water for sale or rent, you can be sure it’s more than 50 cents…

    Like almost everything these days, it’s complicated. Trust me when I tell you that perfectly rational people lose their minds when you tell them water is going to be changed in some way; a reallocation, a reduction in permitted quantities, redirection of water from “where it is” to “where it’s…

  • Being Yourself

    Being Yourself

    Lately, I’ve been reading a lot about courage. Mostly political courage. I think that courage is the externalization of character. Yeah, character is also about doing the right thing even when no one is looking, but it seems to me that doing the right thing when everyone is looking, but…

  • Cities without water in the US?

    We talk about “grocery deserts” where residents have to drive 25 miles just to get to a grocery store. It’s a public policy problem, especially in small, rural communities. The same is true of medical care. But poverty isn’t a rural issue. It’s an urban one. A recent study showed…

  • Wetlands to Wastelands

    A Reader’s Digest version of Water Wars, but through what was happening with the wetlands while lawyers and politicians argued, people and the wetlands suffered.

  • A Fossilized Phallus Just Between Friends

    You get to a certain age and suddenly a headline like New Fossilized Phallus grabs your attention. Nothing personal, but a fossilized phallus can only be exciting for the anthropologist or archeologist that finds it and, of course, the male whose member is eternal. I’ve known more than a few…

  • Opposition not opponents

    Since it was posted my friends periodically noted how frightening what they learned in Social Dilemma was. Since I kinda, sorta tangentially make note of relevant news regarding privacy and access I put the program on my to-watch list. Then, January 6. January 14, Lawerence O’Donnell The Last Word…

  • Are they already among us?

    Welcome to 2021. Not to be outdone by its older sibling, 2020, and with government assistance, 2021 has been frenetic so far, and it’s just getting started. For your consideration, I offer that the government has given the military six months to release what they know about UFOs. They’ve already…

  • Untitled post 355

    On New Years’ Eve 2006, I was having lunch with Roy Harrell, who was chairman of the Southwest Florida Water Management District where I’d been the Director of Communication. When I left in 1998, I’d formed the Environmental PR Group. Roy had advised against it at the time, saying it…

  • Just Add Bling

    On days when you feel like a dried-up old leaf, maybe what you need to add is a little bling or a boa?  Yea. That’s better.

  • What’s Missing?

    The going rate for an appendix, in Lutz, Florida is $43,037.83. That doesn’t include the surgeon. My co-pay for the former was $64 and for the latter $60. An appendix weighs approximately one ounce or 28 grams. In short, my appendix is worth more than gold or platinum or the…