The Dung Beetle Shows the Value of Cooperation

Cooperation. In a “let’s do this together” world makes sense. But do we live in a “we’re in this together” world anymore? With media emphasis on our polarization and our own daily experiences, do we feel “together” in the greater sense or just with our tribe (as the media are now describing)? Just imagine what we could accomplish by working together. As a country, as a community, as a neighborhood, as a partnership. For inspiration, we can look to…the dung beetle. Male and female dung beetles share the workload to get ahead, according to one study. Male-female couples to move and bury balls of prized fecal matter more quickly and straight to the pile. Given the “dung” loose in our world these days, it’s heartening to think that if we worked together,we could efficiently get to the heart of our divisions and possibly resolve them.