Piece of paper in a typewriter with the words Blog typed

Randstanding blog

  • Scientists say that spiders dream

    Covid produced some interesting stuff. One German scientist, while on lockdown, noticed that spiders would twitch and move as they slept. This occurred in a regular pattern. She…

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    4 min read

  • $%^*&%#&(^


    Discover Magazine says skip the swear jar. In a June 202o article, Alex Orlando reported that letting a few choice words out during a workout can actually strengthen…

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    4 min read



    For about 3.5 years, I’ve been doing low carbs, jokingly saying I lost 30 lbs without giving up bourbon, beer, or weed (though I did switch to light…

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    4 min read

  • What’s Lost?

    What’s Lost?

    At least two days a week I hit the road for a 3+ mile walk. These days I’m on the actual road, not a trail. On those walks…

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    4 min read

  • Bees are in trouble. Scientists have a vax for that.

    Bees are in trouble. Scientists have a vax for that.

    You know that bee populations are in trouble, right? Lots of us have native landscaping to support the pollinators, all of them. But scientists have come up with…

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    4 min read

  • A School System Preparing for the Future

    A School System Preparing for the Future

    Years ago, at a conference, I heard Alvin Toffler (author of Future Shock and The Third Wave) speak about education. His point is more relevant today than it…

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    4 min read