Piece of paper in a typewriter with the words Blog typed

Randstanding blog

  • Through the Screen

    Through the Screen

    I’ve read one book and seen two movies that are told “through the screen” or through emails and transcribed voicemails. There have apparently been more than the two…

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    4 min read

  • Lizard at Lunch

    Lizard at Lunch

    I spend a fair amount of time outside. I am not “gardening” or “puttering” I am moving rocks or mulch or fill dirt around our three-acre yard. I…

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    4 min read

  • Ants Smell Cancer

    Ants Smell Cancer

    Dogs detect diabetes and epilepsy and cancer of several varieties. They have for years. Some are trained to detect disease, others are just paying attention to their human…

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    4 min read

  • Gas. Cow gas, not car gas.

    Gas. Cow gas, not car gas.

    Cows emit a lot of gas. Methane. They burp. They poot and their “waste” collects in ponds and lagoons with more greenhouse grasses. Technology to the rescue! Maybe…

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    4 min read

  • Bug brains are inspiring new collision avoidance systems for cars

    A thousand years ago while I was working at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, NOAA was testing a new technology LIDAR, light detection and ranging. They were measuring…

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    4 min read

  • Work=Beer Money

    Spent last week at Writers in Paradise. The paper I submitted for review is, After Midnight. Essentially it’s the story of the last couple of months of my…

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    4 min read